Magic Moves Dance workshops in schools and nurseries
Creative, Contemporary dance and Bollywood dance.
Dance workshops in schools and nurseries in Brighton and Sussex
Magic Moves is an imaginative approach to dance encouraging musicality and creativity through movement. For schools and nurseries looking to provide enjoyable, fun and inspiring dance, Magic Moves is the ideal choice. If it is a one-off workshop you are looking for, a series of workshops tying into a school project or performance or a regular class or after school dance club, I can tailor the classes or workshops to suit your needs. Magic Moves is also very adaptable for students with special educational or physical needs.
Stuck trying to choreograph something for Let’s Dance, the Children’s Parade or a School Show?
Contact Kate Adams for some expert help.
"All the children really look forward to Monday mornings, as that's the day when 'Kate the Dancer' comes to see us"
Happy Days Nursery

Dance for Key Stage 2
Firstly dance skills and short sequences will be taught and then children will have the opportunity to create their own dance sequences. Both learnt and created dances will be put together for the final dance.
Dance is a really fun way of encouraging physical creativity but can also be linked to many topics studied in the National Curriculum. Poems and stories studied in class can provide great scope for creating dance.
Previous workshops in schools have included:
- Wartime Dance and Music
- The Iron Man (Robot dances)
- Blood, Bones and Body Bits
- Twelth Night (Shakespeare)

Early Years and Key Stage 1
Stories and role play form a large part of the dance workshop as children use their imaginations to move and dance like animals, characters, machines, and different kinds of weather. Props such as floaty scarves and shaky streamers are used to encourage children to explore their movement further and sometimes costumes for greater character development.
Why not link your workshop in with your class topic?
Previous themes have included “Witches” and “Animals”.
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Career development workshops for primary and early years teachers
For teachers who would like to discover more ways of presenting dance in schools and feel more confident of their movement ability.
For further information contact Kate Adams on 07967 182061 or magicmovesdance@btinternet
"Just wanted to say a really big thank you for running your workshops on Tuesday at the Amex Stadium. I personally really enjoyed your session!"
"I have now had time to look at the evaluations and they were all very positive about the dance. You certainly managed to instil confidence in many of the delegates and hopefully we will now see more dance sessions in our settings in Brighton and Hove."
- Clayre Morris, Early Years Consultant, Brighton & Hove Council